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SBCFAN connects, aligns, and activates food system changemakers to develop a robust local food economy, a healthy and just community, and a well-stewarded, resilient foodshed. Our Network provides a hub to facilitate and accelerate cross-sector collaborations, support food system projects, provide access to shared resources, and host public learnings and events. Together, we build equitable solutions for long-term resilience in Santa Barbara County.

We have a stellar leadership team directing our efforts, but we are not the Network. You are. Become a member of the Network.

A Food Action Network for Everyone

A successful Network is a community where everyone can participate, contribute, and benefit from connecting with others. That’s why we are setting a table with space for everyone. We welcome you to grab a seat and join the conversation so that together, we can build a more resilient food system.

That being said, the Santa Barbara County Food Action Network is a work in progress. We have much to learn, including how we can create a hub for our countywide food system that over time will reflect all of you. We are committed to taking a stepped approach to inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility as we develop our language and communications, outreach, and leadership.

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while we continue to evolve.


What Is A Food System

what-is-a-food-action-planThe food system encompasses how food moves from farms to tables. For the purposes of the Plan and the work of the Network, we localize the system to Santa Barbara County.


Conceived of and co-founded by the Community Environmental Council, the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County, the Santa Barbara Foundation, and the Orfalea Family Foundation (that has since sunsetted), the Plan that was published in 2016 involved over 1,200 hours of volunteer work from over 200 community members.

Over the next few years, many organizations throughout the County implemented projects that activated those Food Action Plan goals. In 2019, these relationships were formalized through the launch of the Santa Barbara County Food Action Network. The Santa Barbara Foundation continues to serve as a major partner by supporting in areas such as leadership, organizational development, and grant funding for projects that strengthen the resilience of the local food system. Read more about the Food Action Plan.

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